

Friday, 11 April 2014

Broken Hearts and Torn Up Letters

False face must hide what the false heart doth know
  - William Shakespeare

Games. As much as we had to admit it, we are all involved in a game. Whether you're the one making the rules, or the one following them, you are in a game. Just like any ordinary game there is a winner and a loser. Sometimes, the rules can change and the people playing both lose. The outcome of the game can depend on strength will-power and logic. If you become to emotional the results can be disastrous. Once you start playing, each move you make becomes dangerous and risky. There is no way out.

Take this game for example. Two people caught up in a game of Lust. Actually make that four people, more dramatic ending. It's the classic  'I want what I can't have but I will try and take it anyway' scenario. One person caught in a trap with several entanglements Does she choose the spark between a lover known for a day, the chemistry with a dangerous attraction, or does she choose the connection between a 'more than' friend?

Lets break it down even further. The first: The Lover. An instant spark between two people set in a scene fuelled by alcohol. Surprisingly the lovers met during a moment of sobriety but as more liquid was consumed, the hormones began to take over resulting in drunken promises of faithfulness, protection with the inclusion of number-swapping. The outcome will most likely result in akwardness and perhaps the blocking of the whole night were the two people will never meet again. Or it could swing the other way and something beautiful will become of the meeting. However this causes friction amongst others included and changes the game completely.

This takes us to the second part: The attraction. Two people once caught in the trap of attraction mixed with passion and intellect. A dangerous combination with consequences that have affected the whole game and its' players. Two people who had to draw a line in their meeting to keep one player from a broken heart. Yet the attraction has now become all one-sided. A mark has been left in one's head and is saddened when the other player is in charge of his own game with many other contestants, maybe one or two in a night. The loser then watches from the sidelines constantly comparing the winner to other participants in her court. She will be wondering when can she break free from the spell to play her endeavours free from jealousy and longing.

The two situations bring on the final part, the result. The decision: The Connection. As the act between The Lover and The Attraction unfolds, the understudy is waiting behind the curtains, watching every move she makes and every line she speaks. He patiently waits for his turn in the game but it never comes. She has placed him in a compartment in her heart safely locked away. Two people caught in a never-ending circle of hidden emotions which threaten to explode. The Attraction fades away in to the night one more time and The Lover takes centre-stage. This is the moment in which the players will know the outcome. No more rule-changing. No more manipulation. Brutality is amongst them. The Connection admits defeat and walks away leaving the lovers to their finale. They win the game and each other.

However, like all games, there is a final twist: The Heartbreak. As The Connection player walks away, he is forced back in to the game when she realises the consequences of dallying in such a sport. The Connection no longer wants to be a part, and two hearts break at once. The Lover is forgotten immediately, The Attraction is no longer holding a spell over her but it's too late. She has lost. No more drawings, no more communication with words and technology, no more smiles. She realises it's her fault. It was her all along. No one was playing games but her. She was manipulating situations to suit her, not noticing the effects it would have on the participants. A moment too late and the game is over.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The End is Near

The end is near. Well for my contract in the Middle East that is. It is hard to believe that this time last year I had sent off my CV to a teaching agency on a whim. I wasn’t hoping to get an interview after all I hadn’t even completed the PCET course. I had a back plan of course – supply teaching. I didn’t want to raise my hopes for them to be knocked back down. Yet never in a million years would I have thought of applying for a full-time teaching position in the Middle East. For me to do that I would have to step out of my comfort zone and open myself to rejection on a grander scale.  Nevertheless I put myself out there and waited for the inevitable reply. I didn’t have to wait long though. A few days later and I received an offer letter to be signed and returned as soon as possible. Time after that seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.  A year on and I am currently going through the same progress – signing an offer letter for next yet.
The thing that has me most excited is my vacation time in July. I will be going home. Though I will only be in the UK for four weeks as I have my very own Euro-trip booked; by Euro-trip I mean Newcastle – Amsterdam – Rotterdam – Stockholm – Gothenburg. Hopefully my next summer vacation will include Finland, Hungary and Denmark. When discussing my plans with my family over skype, my brother appeared and stated I should visit Krakow, Poland. His reasoning for this, which is horribly amusing, is to see how many Polish live there since the UK is swarmed with them. Slightly racist brother I have there.
I have been thinking about my plans for the British summer and I realised I will definitely need to make time for my best friend’s first new-born baby.  I am so ecstatic for her. It’s surreal that the girl  I grew up with for eleven years is about to be a mother.  She’s all grown up now. It also reminds of my little girl waiting at home for me – my beautiful nightmare of a niece. I can’t wait to shower her in kisses and maybe cause some mischief around the town with her. My Lillie-bug is one hilarious child. I am so grateful that she hasn’t forgotten me. 
In other news, someone recently mentioned to me about remembering me when I have published my work and it got me thinking; why do I need to publish my work? Is it to earn money? For someone criticise my work publicly? So everyone knows who I am? If these are the reasons  then my answer is no. I write to let my feelings out. I am not bothered if no-one or everyone reads it. It’s my hobby, my own pleasure – no-one else’s. I may link my posts on social network sites, but that is so one of my good friends can read it- and nothing else.
I am currently in the middle of writing a book – continuing what I had started in university for an assignment. Again this is for me only; to see what I can accomplish. I remember listening to my English tutor say to me: “Even if you only write a 100 words a week, you can still write a  complete novella or even a novel, but it all depends on your state of mind and whether you want  to finish something you have started.” This stuck with me for 3 years, but I didn’t return to my story until recently. 
It’s amazing what changes a person can go through without really knowing. I am still the girl who watches the world rather than participates, but at the end of the day I know what risks are worth taking and which choices are simply unrealistic. Whether it’s my upcoming plans for the summer, or my continuous need to write something, I know life has plenty of things in store for me.
Well that s enough writing for now,
See you on the other side of the Internet

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

No lights with tealights.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair.
                                                                                 - Khalil Gibran

 At 8.30pm on 29th March, the UAE became involved in a worldwide movement known as Earth Hour. As an attempt to tackle climate change households, businesses, and individuals are encouraged to switch of all sources of unnatural light for one hour. It was this particular event that shed light upon another topic - technology.

Let me recreate the scene that unfolded before my eyes to help you understand the nature of this topic. I was sitting in my usual spot in a bar when tealights were placed upon each table, the lights were flicked off, and the televisions no longer played the monotony sport of football. As odd as it seemed, the atmosphere was quite romantic - that is if you looked past the a collection of guys drunkenly raising their voices in a dark corner. For that one hour it felt nice to take a step back from reality. Yet it made me wonder; what would happen if the world shut off more than the lights? Would the world crumble around us, or would humanity adapt to the change. Evidence in my surroundings would support the former. It had only been five minutes and the majority of those present, including myself, resorted to using a mobile phone as a source of light or entertainment. Five minutes. That was all it took.

What had happened to the days were we weren't glued to some form of technology: mobiles, laptops, Ipads or Ipods. Is life really that bad that we need to check our messages within every second that passes? Is it too hard to talk to someone face-to-face? Is it too  difficult to put pen to paper and send a letter? Today's society would say yes it is. No-one has time to send letters instead of texts. No-one wants to take the risk of knocking on someone's door and speaking to them in person.

It shocked me that in the UAE, children as young as three have been introduced to and/or using some form of technology. Are we that engrossed in it that it has now ruled our lives. It is kind of hypocritical of me to type about such a topic when I had been texting throughout the writing of this post, but it further proves my point. We would not survive living in a world with no technology, no means to communicate faster. Socialising no longer exists in the original sense that it was meant to be. Could we ever go back to how we were before technology was given such power. Probably not.

The tea-lights have now burned themselves out and the power has been restored.

AAnd And And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr387063.html#6fOw9vq8RCFR7xVm.99
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr387063.html#6fOw9vq8RCFR7xVm.99
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr387063.html#6fOw9vq8RCFR7xVm.99
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr387063.html#6fOw9vq8RCFR7xVm.99
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr387063.html#6fOw9vq8RCFR7xVm.99

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Six month catch-up with MJR

So what is going on in the life of MJR. To be honest, absolutely nothing. Tumble-weed. Actually, tumble-weed probably has more of a life than I do lately. Let's get back to were I last left off - the honeymoon phase. Well that part didn't last long at all as it was over by October, and depression soon reared its' sad ugly head. Nothing really happened during October-December, just drinking and working. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything. However, during my two week vacation, I visited home and it soon made me realise that life in Al Ain wasn't that bad.  I didn't seem to fit in at home, and the atmosphere was terrible. It was nice seeing my family though, even if I did spend most of the time fighting with my parents or sleeping. Since my return to the UAE, I haven't really thought that much about home. Work has kept me on my toes. 12 weeks without a break has finally taken its toll on me. Work consumes five days of my week, and the last two are used for playing the sleep catch-up game. Nothing productive ever happens on Fridays and Saturdays. Work, eat, sleep. Three words that sum up my life quite perfectly. Thankfully, there are only two weeks left and then its vacation time. A much needed vacation time.

Well so far I have climbed a mountain - albeit in a car. The view was amazing, seeing the whole of Al Ain was a spectacular vision. I also attended the first game in the new Al Ain stadium. I hate football but it was a good day out even if I was hungover. The school also allowed us to attend the Red Bull AirRace in Abu Dhabi. Again I hate planes...but the whole twisting and turning and the aerobatic show afterwards was immense.

It's hard to believe that 6months has gone by, and only 4 months till I can visit the UK again. I can't wait to get a decent social life. My personal life here is quite abysmal. Lent has made it quite hard to enjoy the past 10 days as well. No fast food, no chocolate, no alcohol, no pleasures. However, I did cheat - I accidentally ate chocolate courtesy to Sheenal's cake-in-a-cup. It was only due to the fact that I was amazed that a cake could be made in a cup in just 90 seconds. It tasted so delicious. Luckily, the no alcohol rule is still standing. I have been placed in temptations way quite a lot.

Speaking of temptations, the reason why I have used MJR in my post is because of a new nickname that I have acquired during my time here. I normally hate nicknames but this one I kind of like. Obviously it's my initials, but it's simple. Maybe I only liked it because of the person who gave me it. When he says MJR, it's like velvet rolling of his tongue. He is a bass player in the local bar I attend - yeah I seem to attract the bassists - but he's rather sweet when he wants to be. His cute ass has also gotten me in to trouble a few times too. Crazy bitches following him around have expressed their distaste in me knowing him; hey that's another story that could take forever to type up. Anyways enough about him and more about my vacation.

So two weeks and two days off will finally give me a chance to see Dubai. That's right. I have lived here for 6 months and all I have seen is Dubai airport and Abu Dhabi beach. I will be venturing out by myself as the others will be on their holidays in other countries. I don't mind going alone, but some company would be nice. So I've planned for Dubai, Abu Dhabi and maybe Oman if I can fit it in to my budget. Who knows.

Well this is all I can be bothered to type at the moment. I'm sure those that read this have me on social network sites can catch-up with me on there.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Choking on a dream.

“I woke myself in the darkness, and I knew only that a dream had scared me so badly that I had to wake up or die, and yet, try as I might, I could not remember what I had dreamed. The dream was haunting me: standing behind me, present and yet invisible, like the back of my head, simultaneously there and not there.” 
                                    Neil Gaman - Ocean at the End of the Lane

Dreams. Some you tend to forget. Sometimes you get the occasional one that will stay with you for a lifetime; often enough that same dream can reoccur. Maybe one of those dreams is a dramatic chase or a tragic love story. Maybe you can see everyone crystal clear or they could all be a blur.  Whatever the dream, whoever is involved - it remains a memory that you can never be free of.

In a twisted sense of humour, my dreams have been exceedingly weird.  Ever since I could remember, I have always had this "choking" dream.

I would wake up from a dream in my bed to find someone who I had never come across consciously sitting on my chest and wrapping their hands around my throat. The person, sometimes invisible, would crush my chest with it's weight, a force so powerful I would be unable to breathe. I would fight as much as I could with this person or thing but I felt so weak. 

Yet as strange as it seemed, I knew it was a dream. It felt so real in the sense that no matter how hard I would shake my body or try to free myself from this pressure,I could never wake up. I could toss and turn will all my strength but nothing would work. It was like my body had to wake up on it's own.  When I would finally wake up, the dream was never over. Tears would be streaming down my face and my body would be sweaty and tangled amongst the bedsheets.My chest would feel constricted and it would be hard to breathe. My heart would race so fast that it would almost explode.

This dream has happened several times during my 22 years, but recently it has occurred at least 3 times in the past six months.  The dream is always the same; lying in bed on my back with the window open. However the bed would coincidently match the one I fell asleep in on that particular night.

I'm not sure what is exactly going on but I never wish to experience this again.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

University Poems Part 1

                                                                   The Unnamed Love

She stares out of the window,
watching the world pass by.

Her mind racing back to the
days of her painful love.

Her hand rises to wipe away
those crestfallen tears.
The heartbreak.

A romance that was like the ones
in a fairytale book.
The heartbreak.

Days when he said 'I love you'
and 'I will always adore you'.
A promise.

Days when he held her hand.
Their own little world to share.
A promise.

Memories of love and joy.
Days of new intimacy.

Shared dreams and wishes with
a promise of forever.

All disappear within a blink
of her shiny blue eyes.

He left without a goodbye kiss –
a legitimate reason just;

Hatred and pain take over those
once beautiful memories.

The need to hurt him as much
as he tore out her heart.

She stares out of the window,
watching the world pass her by.

She thinks of erasing those
days of her painful love.

The Suffering

The dripping redness from this river flowing wrist.
The cold and death like water.
Each droplet is poison from your lips.
The scars that will always linger.
The fall of throbbing memories of love.
The pain and hurtful lies.
The falling of a lifeless dove -
Of screams and frightful cries.
Your lips now beckon the cold and seeming death.
The intoxicated promise you keep.
Venom that beats into the heart of cold
Takes here, puts her to sleep

University Stories and Poems Part 1: Two Minds to Die

Two Minds to Die
I couldn’t save him.  And no miracle could ever change that.
Jethro was one of those men; loud and obnoxious. No matter how many times a woman would try to put him in his place, he had a counter-argument ready at hand: “There’s no place for a woman in today’s society. It would be better if they just stayed out of sight and out of mind”.  The gentlemen, and that term was used loosely, of the 21st Century had not changed at all. They were still derogatory towards women, still finding faults at every possible chance, belittling them in front of other men.  Looking at Jethro, at the age of thirty-nine running his deceased father’s business, one would think that he would settle down with a suitable woman, but no.  This man standing at six foot four with dark short hair  groomed into a sleek style and a very fanciful taste in designers had no time for women. Even though his sparkling green eyes caused many to swoon in his presence, he regarded them as the worst of the worst, and after only one thing in life – a man’s soul. Once they possessed that target, the men might as well lose  their ability to live a successful life. Love and women make a man weak.
To the outside world, Jethro would have appeared to have been a hater of women all his life, but there was one exception; one that only his father and mother knew of. His relationship with his parents, when alive, was strained at the best of times; his father ignoring his existence, focusing mainly on the family business. The only time his father spoke was to discuss Jethro’s future.  His mother wasn’t exactly the maternal type unless you counted the marks made from leather on his back and the purplish stains on his body.  What haunted his mother to treat her own blood that way; no-one would ever know. More importantly, Jethro would never receive this closure to help him move on with his life. 
Things began to look up for Jethro when his parents reached the end of their time. The economy grew and so did his wealth. This was the beginning of the Aston Martin DB5’s as well as the chauffeured Rolls Royce, freshly pressed suits, well polished shoes with a gold plated Rolex attached to his wrist. He was living to accumulate his wealth.  Nothing could ever get in his way of luxury.  He held the world in his scrooge-like hands.  
Tonight, like any other, Jethro found himself sitting in his usual spot at the local gentleman's club, surrounded by people he barely liked. “There is nothing better in a man’s world then spending your riches on such fine products” he stated with a puff of smoke escaping his thinned out lips, a recently lit cigarette held between two fingers with ash ready to collapse onto the white linen covered table.  “Such lovely sweetness of these paper notes.” he went on to say. The endless talking about status and wealth made many of his acquaintances groan with displeasure, save for the ones who were on the same wavelength as dear Jethro. Those were the individuals who made his ego grew substantially larger, so much that the world seemed smaller than possible. 
 “I agree, though there is one thing I love perhaps that little bit more…” an associate said.
 “Do not say what I think you are about to say young man!” Jethro quickly interrupted with a clear complaint. “If you say the words my woman you are not man enough to be here.” This did not phase the fellow associate, instead he declared the words Jethro always wanted to avoid “My woman made me who I am today” he said gulping the malt whiskey down his throat.  It was possible to see the glare from Jethro’s eyes from the other side of the room.  A look which many had been on the receiving end of plenty of times. 
“Don’t spout such nonsense in my room. This goes to anyone and everyone. Women are nothing to us. Yes they may provide an heir to carry on our name and wealth, the latter being important, but the women themselves are useless. If you wish to talk about that irresponsible species then leave.”  He declared and found himself sat alone in what would seem as a library, the walls being covered in old mahogany bookcases, the rich fragrance of ink and paper as well as the itching of dust. He leaned back into the darkened leather Chester Armchair, and gazed up towards the ceiling. What had he become? A man so repulsed by the female gender, but it was no use in thinking.  It only led to more outrageous thoughts. If he carried on the way he was going, he would turn into one himself and that was no good. He didn’t need anyone.  He was a solitary person and it would always be that way.


The antique ornament isolated in the corner of the library chimed a loud brass sound of midnight.  Where had the time gone to? It was only a few hours ago when Jethro was sipping the harsh liquor burning his throat as it went down. He tried to focus his blurry eyes on something inanimate, and it became apparent that he could not hold his liquor any more.  That was only explanation he could think of. “Hang on” the confused words echoed in the room. “How on earth did that appear here?” He fixed on an offending piece of material on a small polished chair. He pushed himself of his seat, and headed towards it, his black potent shoes tapping against the laminated wood.  One look and he felt bile rise up his throat. There resting, was a scarf. A women’s scarf.  A woman’s paisley patterned scarf.

The next few days contained very little happenings, and so Jethro spent his time holed up in his charming office, counting the golden coins and demeaning anyone that dared to interrupt him. Though on a particular Monday, Jethro was blissfully unaware that his life was not as it seemed. Removing himself from his cluttered desk, Jethro decided it was time to leave his hiding place and head out to the headquarters; the young gentleman’s club where no doubt a few females would somehow be there, on the prowl looking for their next victim.  Putting the scarf incident behind him, though he still never unearthed the mystery as to where it came from, he stomped into the coat room and stopped suddenly.  Next to his tailor-made Russian coat, was a red jacket, which looked awfully like a young woman's. “Maybe that darn woman-lover brought her here and left it by mistake.” But all he could think was; he hadn’t seen any female here at all. Grabbing the item of clothing, he walked into the lounge area, lit a warm chestnut fire, and threw the jacket into the flames. Watching it turn to ashes, he hoped it would be the last of the craziness.  He walked out the door into the front porch facing the bitter cold in his face, asked aloud “Is this a coincidence or just some weird turn of events?” and blew the thought into the wind.
Upon entering the social gathering in the club, many heads turned to speculate Jethro. He could see it in their stares; He finally graces us with his presence, I see, or I wonder if he drinks himself into a stupor and acts all egotistical.  Why should he change who he was.  It was better to speak the truth, no matter how harsh than to lie all the way through one’s life.  Advancing towards the barman, the room rumbled with a “make mine a double scotch.” that way his presence would be known to everyone and there was no need to queue. 
“Finally giving up on your denial of a woman?” a scrawny brunette said beside him. Jethro gave her a wariy glance. He had no idea what to make of that statement. “Remember me? It's Adrianna” she continued. He looked at her as though she was speaking double-dutch. What sane woman would talk to him?  
 “Go away I have no time for such witch behaviour from you.” He finally answered and began to turn away from her. 
“Look mister, I don’t care what your problem is with me, but you clearly have woman troubles. Carrying a pair of French knickers in their pocket is not something a man like you would normally do in a place like this.” Jethro abruptly turned round and faced her. “Oh you’ve finally want to talk to me now. All this time I have taken a back stage approach to you, trying to help you sort out your problems. I have heard all about you. I have tried to remain on the fence, but now this you misogynistic evil man.!” He tried to search her face for something, unsure of what it was, but something. Maybe someone had set her up to annoy him, or to cause a scene perhaps. He opened his mouth to give a retort but she beat him to it “Don’t you dare say a word.” Her finger pointed at him and an angry look took over her “First you walk into this place like you own it; secondly you emotionally abuse us women, especially me, when all I have done is defend you.” in the midst of the next phrase her voice took a softer approach which surprised the hell out of him “I know what your past has been like, and I admire your strength, but to act the way you do towards women and then parade around your dirty laundry, or should I say hers, I feel sorry for you I really do.” And with that he exploded. 
 “What right have you to say such ridiculous things about me?  I have not been with any woman and nor will I ever. You wonder why I called you a witch. Well here is the answer” A loud scoff came from behind him, the room had suddenly gone quiet. But he didn’t care he just kept on going. “You women think you know everything when all you do is cause heartbreak, and you just get in the way. What business do you think you are to me? Nothing. Now I don’t care how you know my past but suggesting I have been frolicking around is nonsense. Now move out of my sight before I say something I would never regret.” He could feel his face going beet red and instead of Adelaide, or whatever her name was, moving away from him, she approached him with determination on her face, reached out towards his coat, and somehow pulled a pair of scanty red underwear from his pocket. He finally remembered what she had said “carrying French knickers in their pocket” French knickers? And with that bombshell he snarled towards those listening and left the club.
On returning home, he bid his chauffeur goodnight, thinking of French knickers, a red coat and paisley scarf. Had he been cavorting and simply forgot? Maybe it was the scotch. However he soon disregarded that reason straightaway and strode in the direction of his drinking cabinet, and poured himself a double on the rocks.
The next morning, his head gave the impression that he had one too many.  He couldn’t even remember climbing in to bed. He searched his memories for some inclination of what happened.   A few moments passed as he laid in his bed, when unexpectedly, just like someone had switched on a light in his head, everything came rushing back; the confrontation with Adrianna, the double at the club, the doubles in the lounge, sitting in front of the fire and then nothing. Blank. His hand rubbed at his forehead to relieve the tension. In the corner of his eye he noticed his arm wasn’t bare like it normally would be when he went to sleep. In its place was a pale lemony coloured sleeve, the type you would see a woman wear as a nightgown. He slowly lifted up his velvet duvet and peeked downwards. It was definitely a nightgown. Jethro froze in place. Each of the random items he had found in what he thought was a safe home, were his. He quickly jumped out his bed, ripped the nightwear from his skin like it was burning him. Burning him like plastic in a fire.  Not caring about the only attire he was wearing at the moment, being his underwear, he rushed through the house like a madman searching for other women’s clothing. “I’m a...” the word became lodged in his throat. Woman. “I dress in those.” He couldn’t understand what was happening to him. To be fair, he did not even want to know? Motionless, he walked to the harbour in his home; the cabinet.  He took a crystallised glass, and poured himself one final glass of scotch.
Dear Miss A. Chase,
I regret to inform you that the inquest for Mr Jethro Shaffer’s death was again ruled for suicide.  The evidence left is sufficient to support this. I have checked his previous medical records for any mental health issues or depression and it was apparent that his schizophrenia was left untreated. As the records are confidential to the patient I cannot say anything further. If you need any help getting any closure for the victim’s recent departure...
I couldn’t read any more.  A tear fell from my eyes, landing softly onto the letter. I was too late to save him. I, Adrianna, who took no drivel from men, let Jethro slip away. I let him feel alone, like he couldn’t turn to anyone.  I promised his father I would try. Even though they weren’t that close, his father still cared. Maybe I was too young to understand what he was asking at the time. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough. The truth was; he would never listen.