
Showing posts with label distraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distraction. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Boost up those brochure sales by pimping out your staff!

Well. That is all I have to say. Today was clearly one of those good days, were I don't look like a right mess at work. So it all started with an idea to boost up the Christmas brochures and B4L. I always do badly, that's a given when I'm at work, so here was a tip given to me by a friend...

"Make a sign that for every brochure a customer buys, they will be entered in a draw for a date with a member of staff (the customer can even choose which person). Or just pimp someone out completely"

Yeah cause that will work. Apparantly it does as I am getting pimped out already.

First there was a young gentleman who gave me a flirty smile and was eyeing me up (according to another member of staff), and he was darn good-looking too. Then a boy who must have been about 12 or 13 was a right charmer. He handed me the money with a right swagger calling me darl, yeah his dad taught him well. He will be a right heart-throb when he is older. Bless.

So that was a good day at work. The full day of flirting my way through sales.

Oh as a side note, I also managed to knock down a sign at work by throwing a ball.

All in one day ey.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who was sat looking at her laptop figuring how to write her essay, when facebook decided to pop up and distract her. It really wasn't much of a great distraction, but enough for her to reflect on how crap today was.

However she did manage to get back to her previous hobby; shopping. Three pairs of new jeans, jeggings and leggings, and a pretty top later the bus journey home made her wish she could spend some more money. Not long 'til pay-day now she thought.

Then the shopping shall continue till the end of time..... or till the money runs out


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

An Apology of Sex

So my last post may have slightly tricked a few people, but this is one is here to make things right. I am aware that many of us lost our virginity between the ages of 14-18. Some probably lost theirs soon as they become interested in girls/boys, some might want to wait for that right person. Yet how many of us can put their hands on their heart and say they fully enjoyed their first time. Not many.
The whole awkwardness of the act combined with young age and probably not knowing their partner very well, doesn't make it a good start for losing your 'v' card.

Now as you get older, and not sleeping your way through the town, sex becomes sort of cherished. Many people my age are just happy with sex being just sex. A primal need. A quickie in a car, or against a wall. But that sensual, soft, worship only comes when you find that right person. That doesn't mean to say that when you find that right person, sex becomes love making, instead you find a balance between love and lust. The quick throes of passion mixed with the long torturous pleasure of love. The way you can tease pleasure and twist it into something special.

Its amazing when you find the things that make your partner go crazy. Soft nip on the ear, the typical biting of the neck, or the grazing of their legs. Many girls and boys have different spots and when you find them, all their control is lost.

That's it for now. I got sidetracked by a memory of mine haha x

Sunday, 9 October 2011

How Shakespearean Am I?

Well after getting successfully distracted from my Irish Poetry essay, I had stumbled across this little weird test thing on Oxford online Dictionary (at least I was sidetracked to something educational).
If you type in a song or poem, or perhaps a phrase of your own everyday language you will receive a percentage of how Shakespearean you are. So I decided to have a go. This was my first entry:
The lone quiet riparian holds the beauty of youth long lost
Smiles and laughter echo faintly
Flowing through blankets of snowdrops, cowslips all glossed.
Tears so fragile and dainty
Fall from the children mourning for their past
With a Faery hand in hand,
Cries stream from small eyes, pain so grand.

(my own poem)
The result was 90% Shakespearean. It also asked if I lived in Rose Theatre.

I can see what I shall be doing all night :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

One of those days....

Yes. One of those days it is. Were everything annoys me. From the little gasps of breathe coming from my mother's mouth, to the footsteps that make a mouse sound like an elephant. But it's not just the noise that is annoying me, it just the mere presence of people in the same vicinity as me. Knowing that some one is sharing the same oxygen as me, annoys me. Oh how even the word annoy is starting to annoy me. If only I had a remote control that a had a mute button, life would be perfect. Just block out all offending noises.

I wish I had a bubble were I could plop myself into, and hide myself away from the world. You would think I would lock myself in my room, oh how that would be nice. But that would require a lock and some heavy sound-proofing around the house. I'm at the point now were I cannot even name the mood I'm in. It's not anger, frustration or any other negative, its just there.

At least I can vent out to this piece of metal and not get annoyed. Then again....

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Become the Part We Both Love to Hate

I like to be alone.
No one around.
No Sound.
Just me.
I like to be imaginative.
Live in a dream world.
My Own Place.
Just me.
You spoilt this.
You are the man in my nightmares,
You are the haunting.
Just you.
Are the knife in my veins.
The blackness in my soul.
The darkness of my mind.
Just you.
Turn Love to Hate.
Pure to Black.
Life to Death
Cause everything pain.
The evil within a smile.
Cause the innocence grief.
And me.
Are different 

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Oh the joys of figuring out what to write for an English dissertation. So many questions with so little answers.
I finally narrowed my choice down to Wicked, which is quite the opposite from what I began with: Interview with the Vampire. Now it seems I need to find a topic to look at within Wicked. So how do I reach that target?. As one would say look at the book and see what themes evolve.

It might help if I manage to read the book first.

Oh dear. that maybe my next target for this month.


I wonder if i would be allowed to write about paranormal romance instead though it seems unlikely :P