
Showing posts with label dissertation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dissertation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Dissertation can suck my....

Well it has only taken me a good solid 6 months to finally settle on my topic for my dissertation. However I have now realised I have again took up the wonderful topic of FREUD!!!!!!
Since A-Level Psychology, the past few years I have studied Freud again and again and again. Now I do realise that university level is not my choice as to what we actually study, but stupid me thought I know Freud will be awesome for  my dissertation.

Well that is my own fault, but as someone kindly pointed out...."at least you'll have lots of notes" that is a fair argument.

As to what my dissertation thesis actually is well here it is----> "to what extent can the psychoanalytic theory be applied to the protagonist in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Say Whaaaatt!

Yep two topics I was dead against, I am actually doing. Though the good news is my abstract introduction and first chapter are complete (well to a certain standard)
Thank hell for that :)
Now I'm off for food.
Bye for now

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


So after a recent lecture in Living Stream: Contemporary Irish Poetry, my on off dissertation topic has now been solidified. I am not looking at Alice's Adventures in WonderlandWicked, or Phantom of the Opera, I am now planning to study Mr W.B.Yeats unrequited love of Maud Gonne. I have not yet looked at which angle I will taking but to do such a powerful woman related to Irish history, is quite a honour.
The poem No Second Troy will be quite hilarious to look at; poor woman being compared to Helen of Troy. I will be quite excited to look into her life from many points of view and even create my own opinion of her. Now for the question; did she sleep with Yeats? Many say no, however I say yes.

On another note, university life is a bit strange at the moment. I am actually spending less than I did last year which is great, and I seem to be enjoying the modules choices a lot more. Hopefully my grades will reflect it. Time can only tell.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Its a New Day

After many hours of being bored, I finally decided to create a new blog called "Little Life Lost" and I will now update my story whenever I feel inspired there instead of muddling up this one. At least the story will be in order. And I cannot guarantee when I will update.

Also, I have also finally decided what my dissertation is going to be on. Finally! I eventually chose Alice Adventures in Wonderland, my original Subject. And my thesis statement has been chosen. Now all that is left is to get it checked over by my tutor and I can start writing.

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Oh the joys of figuring out what to write for an English dissertation. So many questions with so little answers.
I finally narrowed my choice down to Wicked, which is quite the opposite from what I began with: Interview with the Vampire. Now it seems I need to find a topic to look at within Wicked. So how do I reach that target?. As one would say look at the book and see what themes evolve.

It might help if I manage to read the book first.

Oh dear. that maybe my next target for this month.


I wonder if i would be allowed to write about paranormal romance instead though it seems unlikely :P