
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Diary of Change

Song: Bang my Head -Sia

90kg it read. I stepped of then back on again, still 90kg. Shock, panic, devastation-it was clear this number wasn't going to change anytime soon. It was the heaviest I had ever been. I cried. I climbed into bed, hid under the duvet and cried.  I finally enlisted this was the push I needed - the last straw. I quickly gorged on all the unhealthy things in the kitchen,  which ended up in the toilet. Tomorrow would be a new start, a diary of change.

The thing is, it's not like I am unhappy with myself. I'm in the whole 'I don't care zone'. Sure my thighs are big, but they need to accommodate my butt and perfect birthing hips I have unfortunately inherited. Yet not once had the scales read 90kg. I even checked the amount in pounds and stone. No change. So that was Thursday night and two days into my 'be happy' project and I'm feeling exhausted. Perhaps that could be down to by retarded dancing on Friday night; either way I feel like giving in already.  But then this thought keeps going through my head - do you want to be 90kg or heavier? Do you want to make your risk of diabetes greater? I certainly don't want that so giving in rally isn't an option. You only get out of it what you put in. Therefore my only solution is to power through it. That's what I need to do- whether I do or not is another problem altogether .

What is my plan? Well, for starters, no more alcohol, fizzy drinks as it's clear my body hates the things anyway. The same goes for gluten filled foods. The reaction my body has to them is such a nightmare, that itself is exhausting. I'm not cutting out chocolate and sugar as I definitely wouldn't  survive.  As for everything else,  healthy and in moderation is the key. It helps since the topic at school is being healthy.  Hopefully my students can help me during school time.

So this is my starting point. Blog and instagram each moment to keep me motivated.

I shall soon see if it works.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Maybe This Time..

I know I say this every week at least once, but this time I have promised myself to continue with my goal.  Apparently it's bad luck to start a diet on a Monday, though I do not know the reason for that. So in light of this, I am starting mine on a Tuesday. However, I am not going to diet as such, but cut down on the amount of food I eat. I eat when I'm bored, emotional, tired, or whenever really; which is ironic cause its making me depressed when I can't fit into my favourite pair of jeans. I am going to keep track of my calorie intake to a suitable level. I even have an app on my phone to help me along the way. Since the average intake for women is round about 2000, I am going to cut mine to 1400, as well as increasing my amount of exercise.

But it is not just my lifestyle that I am going to change, I am also changing my attitude. After speaking to a friend, I have found out that I am quite an intimidating, stuck up bitch - yet this does not seem to be me at all. So as from tomorrow Miss Melissa Rose is going to change, hopefully, and maybe it will be for the better and not for the worst.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

A New Day, A New Start

     Too many days, I have stood in front of the dressing room mirror and glaring at it's reflection. The once toned and athletic body has become frumpy and lumpy. Turning around in my dress,. one can easily notice the ever growing cellulite and the fresh pink stretch marks that have appeared over time. The laid back university life, and it's consumption of alcohol and take-aways has finally taken it's toll on my body. No longer am I the size 10-12 with pronounced hips. The size 14-16 is clear to me now. Yet every attempt I make to change this change in life-style, failure is always ahead
     So as a final endeavour to save my changing body, I am changing my eating habits (but will not exclude fatty foods or chocolate, but will eat them in moderation instead), and excercise will make its debut. It is here on this blog that I will show my weaknesses and strengths of my body, and show the progress of my diet.
Hopefully this will work.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I need a....

change in life.

So today was real sunny, like my garden just trapped the sun completely. No breeze. Just the sun and me on my lounger. Yet it was during this lovely sunbathing session when I realised how much I have let myself go. None of my shorts fit me, though weirdly my top half hasn't changed that much considering I can still fit in my bikini from five year ago :/. Back to my main point, my constant eating now has transformed my tummy into a monster. For this reason I will start my diet and excercise as soon as this week is over with. That way I can consume as much junk as I want before I give it up.

It is not just my eating habits that I wish to change, I am getting bored of the same hair colour and ame hairstyle. I think I have done very well lately, letting my hair grow and get back to its normal healthy state; but it is annoying me so much.

So here's to a new me. Hopefully