

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Starry-Eyed Night

9- Quickly jot down four verbs, four adjectives, and four nouns. Write a poem using all 12 words.

Unveil the fate that the night brings.
Hold me close under the heavenly stars.
Dance with me across the enchanting springs.
Serenade me with your beautiful love.

An Addition to A New Goal

I recently published a post stating that I was going to attempt to write a new poem each week. However a nice friend gave me this and I shall cross them off as I go:

1- Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an acrostic). It can be about anything, but it should not be about you or your name.
2- Who was the last person you texted? Write a five line poem to that person.
3- Find the nearest book (of any kind). Turn to page 8. Use the first ten full words on the page in a poem. You may use them in any order, anywhere in the poem.
4- Write a haiku. They’re often about nature, but yours can be about anything.
5- Write a three line poem about lemons without using the following words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, tart, juicy, peel, and sour.
6- Write a poem of any length incorporating every word from your latest Facebook status.
7- Take a walk until you find a tree you identify with, then write a poem using the tree as a metaphor for yourself or your life.
8- Write a Cinquain on a topic of your choice.
 9- Quickly jot down four verbs, four adjectives, and four nouns. Write a poem using all 12 words.
10- Pick a one line song lyric to serve as an epigraph to your poem. Then, write the poem to accompany it.
11- Write a list poem.
12- Tell your life story in 6 words.
13- Write a short poem that a child would like.
14- Write a bad poem, make it as lousy as you can, do everything wrong, let yourself be awful.
15- Post a poem (written by someone else) that you love (for any reason).
16- Respond to the poem you posted yesterday with a poem of your own.
17- Write a poem that employs a rhyme scheme.
18- Write a poem without any end rhyme, only internal rhyme.
19- Imagine yourself doing any household task/chore, then write a poem using what you’ve imagined as an extended metaphor for writing.
20- Write a narrative poem detailing a specific childhood memory.
21- Choose one of the poems you’ve already written and posted as part of this challenge and re-order it in some way. You could rearrange the lines or stanzas or even words in a line. Think of it as a puzzle!
22- What is the first car you bought/drove/remember? Write a poem about it.
23- Write a seven line poem that begins with “it’s true that fresh air is good for the body” (from Frank O’Hara’s poem “Ave Maria”) and ends with “this is our body” (from Gary Snyder’s “The Bath”).
24- Write a poem that’s different in some way from anything you’ve ever written. Take a chance! Be wild!
25- Write a poem that includes all of the following words: pistachio, ink, pebble, weather, varnish.
26- Gather some magazines/catalogs you don’t mind cutting up and spend ten minutes flipping through them looking for words/sentences that spark your interest. Cut out the words as you go, and (at the end of the ten minutes) arrange the words to form a cut-out poem.
27- Begin with the title “The Poem I’d Never Write.” Then, write that poem.
28- Visit a virtual art gallery and look around until you find a piece that intrigues you. Write a poem inspired by the artwork.
29- Briefly research a poetic form of your choice and write a poem according to the rules of that particular form.
30- Write a poem employing extended metaphor to illustrate the experience of the last thirty days.

So I wonder if I can complete this.  

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Places I Want to Visit

There are so many places that I want to visit while I can. To see the many wonders out there and to take many beautiful photos, and create many beautiful memories. 
Here are a few:




So those are a few to name at the moment, though I am certain there will be many more places added to my list soon enough :) 

Friday, 26 August 2011

A New Goal

After tidying up my room (only cause I got told to), I found a worksheet that contained a list of poem formats. I then decided that I should get my inspiration back and write a poem each week using a different format.
So the first is a Cinquain:


Blood. Hatred

An unjust fighting

Scared. Trapped. Death. End.


Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Where on Earth will I get inspiration to finish off  my story. There's nothing worse than hitting a writer's block and a story that doesn't know where its going. Maybe one day when I'm up at 3a.m. the story may progress somewhere.  That somewhere I do not know.

Monday, 22 August 2011

That Feeling...

That's all I have to say at the moment. Life is finally getting back on track after the most dreadful start to the month.  August has seen its fair share of ups and downs, more than a bloody yo-yo; and that's saying something. Though the downs were pretty bad, I did have my silver lining. Which happened to the best thing that's happened in a while. 

On a more random note....

The above pic reminded me that I needed some more cotton buds. Actually I need to replace the ones I took from my mam hehe. 

Another so...
I miss my sleep. Lately a problem with my shoulder has been preventing me from sleep and work. Though snuggles from a certain person makes the pain go away..if only for a little while. Though I'm missing them. 

On a side note, Hey There Delilah was on the radio this morning and brought back some weird memories. Good memories. In fact, I might stick this song onto my iPod.  

Saturday, 20 August 2011

What Happens When You Have No Sleep

 Apparently, lack of sleep degrades my mind into a sense of mush, and this is what happens during a six hour free at university.

Sat with a pen, forcing out words,

waiting upon inspiration.

Shutting my eyes, thoughts soar like birds -

creating some mean frustration.

Lack of sleep equals distant mind.

Distant mind equals some unknown

or obscure thing to find,

hidden inside my darkest zone.

Elephants, tomatoes, even milkshakes

transform into something fearsome.

Charging forward, and creating earthquakes,

destroying my mind as they come -

screaming and squeeling, more evil sounds.

Who could have known that such simple things

would have the effect of crying clowns,

and what ever nightmare he brings?

Thoughts of being choked, sometimes being stabbed.

More often then enough, I've survived being shot.

Perhaps its my job to be somewhat grabbed

into hostile reality, or perhaps not.

Maybe I'm sane, or just plain crazy

but being a hero kinda sucks.

Or la di da di da di da...maybe

it will earn me some major big bucks.

One may think the above is my sleep,

once my eyes have closen.*

In reality its more than a sweep

of crazy daydozin*.

* yes I know these words aren't real!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Awwww how cute

Today I visited my new baby cousin Alfie and my! He is so cute and cuddly. Such a quiet one too, and he definitely has the family's frown. After wanting to take him home cause he is so small and lovely, I thought I'd look into adopting a cute pet. Here are few that I want:

A Scottish Fold Kitten:
The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that makes its ear cartilage contain a fold, causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of their head, which gives the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearance. 

A Netherland Dwarf:
Netherland Dwarfs' heads and eyes are disproportionately large with respect to their bodies, and their ears are tiny and carried high on the head. Additionally, their faces are rounded and shortened. These features, a part of the animals' dwarfism, cause them to look infantile even into adulthood. 

A Bichon Frise:
A Bichon Frise (French, meaning curly white lap dog) is a small breed of dog of the Bichon type. They are popular pets, similar in appearance to, but larger than, the Maltese.

Saturday, 13 August 2011


It seems as though my Bowie phase has reappeared again. The film Labyrinth is my all time favourite. I remember first watching it at primary school on non-uniform day. It was a film that has stuck with me since I was 8. However, as I grew up, I forgot the title and spent many years trying to find what seemed like a needle in a  haystack as I could only remember certain scenes. My own family didn't have a clue what I was trying to describe either. Eventually, I found it. Thank god for Woolworths :)
 My reasons for loving this film:
-The strange and compelling characters that come together to help dear Sarah in her hour of need :)

-Bowie himself as the Goblin King is completely weird but at the same time attractive. Maybe its the power he holds over everything but Sarah, who is obviously his one true love. 
But the most favourite scene I will always remember is the masquerade scene. Every couple that dances has their face hidden by a unique mask except for Sarah and the Goblin King. The scene is so beautifully made, the song again so beautiful. A song that Bowie sings to show his strange love. It always has been my dream for someone to sweep me off my feet one day and hold me in their arms and dance to "As the World Falls Down". 

But for now, a girl can only dream. 

-One character that is held dear in my heart is Ludo. Bless him, the gigantic monster that is first seen tied up and getting picked on. My heart fell for him. I just wanted to climb through the television screen and hug him. Show him some friendship. Even his growls are sweet. Such a wonderful beast.

 However this film has one negative thing: These things that are named as a Firey:

They creep the hell out of me. The way they can take of their heads and throw them around. The way they look, move, talk and sing rather badly. Enough to make me hide my face. 

Fact...the baby noises that you think are coming from baby Toby, actually come from Bowie himself. 

There we have it, my love for the film Labyrinth. A 70's film that will always be in my life.  

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Dream a Little Dream...

It's strange how dreams are formed. Whether its formed from a memory, something you have read, or something seen in TV. Mine however combined a character from 90210, Sunderland train station, a story from a friend's wonderful imagination and family members. Now what was that dream you ask?

I was walking around Sunderland station with a very old friend of mine when a sheet of paper on the floor caught my eye. It seemed like a perfectly clear, perfectly square piece of paper. But upon inspection, it had little bits of glitter in the corner. My friend decided to rub the paper and some random guy (from 90210) appeared an explained that he needed a task doing. For me to go back in time and change an event. So my friend decided that this piece of paper also allowed you to choose where you wanted to go. Now for the mode of transport that sent you back in time was the NE Metro. How fancy! On this train was some other friends (who they where I do not know), and they sent me to Newcastle. Soon as I was there, I was getting shot at by thugs in cars, on bikes, pedestrians. I managed to avoid each gun shot and chased a shooter into a little shop. I grabbed him by the throat and asked him what the hell he was shooting me for. Turns out the guy who gave me this piece of paper wanted me killed. Well tough luck! I strolled out of the shop and went over the road to the Police Station where I asked to file a complaint against a killer :S. She asked for my national insurance number (which turned out to be my Student Reference Number). All of a sudden I was back in my normal Timeline. I then found out that the Guy who wanted me killed was handing out these Time sheets to people who knew me to go back in time to kill me. I started shouting and screaming at the Camera men calling this guy a traitor and other expletives:P That guy then came over and said "don't be to hard on me...you know how it is" What a dick. I then tried to find my friends on the Metro Time Machine by using a map similar to the Marauder's Map in Harry Potter. But since they where in a different time line. No such luck. I decided to go home and caught up with my brother. I found out he had one of those Time paper things and he had used it. So I went ballistic and starting shouting at him " Why the hell did you do that for? Don't you ever go back in time. I Don't want things to change, nothing is supposed to change. Things happen for a reason!" ...

And then my neighbour's phone woke me up at 6.37am. Not a happy bunny.  Though I wonder if it means anything... :/ x x 

Saturday, 6 August 2011

There was a young man....

"Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!"

Though outside it is raining quite heavily and with random bouts of Thunder and Lightning, the weather has actually nothing to what I am about to say. I spend roughly a good few hours a day  trying to find something that I probably threw out to the rubbish many months before. But upon doing so I found some work in one of my folders from the beginning of second year university. 
A tutor told my seminar group to think of a few limericks. Now said seminar group contained quite the number of guys and immature girls. 
This is what happened with my group:

There was a young man from  France,
Who had bees stuck down his pants.
They stung his poor bum,
And made a bad hum.
That poor young man from France.

Not so bad ey...just keep going.

There was a young boy named Nick,
Who had a very small dick.
His pants would fall down,
And he wished he could drown.
That poor little boy named Nick. 

And alas!

There was a young girl called Beth,
Who had unusually bad breathe.
She ate some mints,
Then along came a Prince.
Who said you still have very bad breath.

(I think our group didn't pay attention to the rhythm of the limerick very well)


Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Does Chocolate Addiction Exist?
By Jane Collingwood

Chocolate craving is very common, but can we actually be addicted to it? Can these powerful urges to eat truly be classed as an addiction? 

We generally crave foods due to external prompts and our emotional state, rather than actual hunger. We tend to be bored, anxious, or depressed immediately before experiencing cravings, so one way of explaining cravings is self-medication for feeling miserable.

Chocolate is the most frequently craved food in women, and many women describe themselves as ‘chocoholics.’ Chocoholics insist that it is habit-forming, that it produces an instant feeling of well-being, and even that abstinence leads to withdrawal symptoms.

When we eat sweet and high-fat foods, including chocolate, serotonin is released, making us feel happier. This partly explains the cravings common in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pre-menstrual syndrome......Although there are similarities between eating chocolate and drug use, generally researchers believe that chocolate “addiction” is not a true addiction. While chocolate does contain potentially mood-altering substances, these are all found in higher concentrations in other less appealing foods such as broccoli. A combination of chocolate's sensory characteristics — sweetness, texture and aroma — nutrients, and chemicals, together with hormonal and mood swings, largely explains chocolate cravings.

Chocolate is seen as “naughty but nice” — tasty, but something which should be resisted. This suggests that the desire is more likely a cultural phenomenon than a physical one. The inability to control eating may be a result of inborn traits and today's environment.

Well for me chocolate is an addiction. I can't go a day with out eating it. I suffer withdrawal symptoms: I get angry, annoyed, sad, all shaky and nervous. 
If that isn't an addiction, I don't know what is. Here's an example, an average day consists of either a bag of chocolate éclairs, plus a chunky caramel KitKat. Or a variety of chocloate bars plus a KitKat... see the pattern. Its more than addiction for me. I don't eat it out of boredom, or depression or even when its that time of month. Its not a want, its a need. I just eat it. In fact, Im off to the shops for a bar of chocolate.