It seems as though my Bowie phase has reappeared again. The film Labyrinth is my all time favourite. I remember first watching it at primary school on non-uniform day. It was a film that has stuck with me since I was 8. However, as I grew up, I forgot the title and spent many years trying to find what seemed like a needle in a haystack as I could only remember certain scenes. My own family didn't have a clue what I was trying to describe either. Eventually, I found it. Thank god for Woolworths :)
My reasons for loving this film:
-The strange and compelling characters that come together to help dear Sarah in her hour of need :)
-Bowie himself as the Goblin King is completely weird but at the same time attractive. Maybe its the power he holds over everything but Sarah, who is obviously his one true love.
But the most favourite scene I will always remember is the masquerade scene. Every couple that dances has their face hidden by a unique mask except for Sarah and the Goblin King. The scene is so beautifully made, the song again so beautiful. A song that Bowie sings to show his strange love. It always has been my dream for someone to sweep me off my feet one day and hold me in their arms and dance to "As the World Falls Down".
But for now, a girl can only dream.
-One character that is held dear in my heart is Ludo. Bless him, the gigantic monster that is first seen tied up and getting picked on. My heart fell for him. I just wanted to climb through the television screen and hug him. Show him some friendship. Even his growls are sweet. Such a wonderful beast.
However this film has one negative thing: These things that are named as a Firey:
They creep the hell out of me. The way they can take of their heads and throw them around. The way they look, move, talk and sing rather badly. Enough to make me hide my face.
Fact...the baby noises that you think are coming from baby Toby, actually come from Bowie himself.
There we have it, my love for the film Labyrinth. A 70's film that will always be in my life.