Well it has only taken me a good solid 6 months to finally settle on my topic for my dissertation. However I have now realised I have again took up the wonderful topic of FREUD!!!!!!
Since A-Level Psychology, the past few years I have studied Freud again and again and again. Now I do realise that university level is not my choice as to what we actually study, but stupid me thought I know Freud will be awesome for my dissertation.
Well that is my own fault, but as someone kindly pointed out...."at least you'll have lots of notes" that is a fair argument.
As to what my dissertation thesis actually is well here it is----> "to what extent can the psychoanalytic theory be applied to the protagonist in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Say Whaaaatt!
Yep two topics I was dead against, I am actually doing. Though the good news is my abstract introduction and first chapter are complete (well to a certain standard)
Thank hell for that :)
Now I'm off for food.
Bye for now