

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tissues and Bless you's

If you haven't guessed by the title, I'm ill. I feel like I'm having the "man flu" as I currently going through the 'Oh no! I'm dying. I am so ill that I cannot function my daily life. ' well maybe not to that exact degree, but I am carrying around alot of tissues and complaining haha.
Currently I am watching Made in Chelsea. Yes I know it is a rather boring wannabe reality star type program, but the phrases they come out with are pretty funny for example

Francis: I have brought some protection for you
Girl he is on date with: I'm well protected dont worry
Francis: Its good to be protected....especially for your first time.

And it is not what your thinking of, in fact they are speaking about knee pads and skate-boarding. Hmmm but I do believe there was some kind of hidden meaning there.

Oh well, of to get some more tissues and I do believe this was a pointless post, but who cares. Cause me doesnt!



Sunday, 9 October 2011

How Shakespearean Am I?

Well after getting successfully distracted from my Irish Poetry essay, I had stumbled across this little weird test thing on Oxford online Dictionary (at least I was sidetracked to something educational).
If you type in a song or poem, or perhaps a phrase of your own everyday language you will receive a percentage of how Shakespearean you are. So I decided to have a go. This was my first entry:
The lone quiet riparian holds the beauty of youth long lost
Smiles and laughter echo faintly
Flowing through blankets of snowdrops, cowslips all glossed.
Tears so fragile and dainty
Fall from the children mourning for their past
With a Faery hand in hand,
Cries stream from small eyes, pain so grand.

(my own poem)
The result was 90% Shakespearean. It also asked if I lived in Rose Theatre.

I can see what I shall be doing all night :)

Friday, 7 October 2011


  1. An exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one: "I've had an argument with my father".
  2. A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
I have just had an argument with my neighbour. Her grandson thinks it hilarious to annoy me with his music. I for one could not care less that he plays music but what I do care is when I can hear it, the constant loud thudding of bass and the repetitive tune blasting through the walls. It isn't hard to consider the other person's feelings and play music at a decent level. Its not like I'm asking him to turn it off.

Oh and apparently I need to show some respect!. Me respect. I have respected the stupid little twat by not going to the police, council or my dad (yeah my dad is quite possibly the scariest man when angry). I have respected the kid when I have to be up for 6 am and he's decided to play music until 1/2 am. I even respected him by not saying anything to his Nana when he demolished the house when having an argument with his girlfriend at 12:43 am and decided to pretty much break down the front door of my house the next day when his Nana found out about his little antics.

Well that is it. I had enough. I sent an email to him explaining I would put in a formal complaint about his noise levels if he wasn't to show me some consideration. And then I stupidly told my dad about what I had done and what his reply was.
Big mistake.

My dad decided to have a go at my lovely neighbour Pat about her grandson. Now normally we can settle such disputes very easily but my dad just had to get involved and act like a big hard man (when in fact he's more of a dick). Poor neighbour won't even speak to my mam or me now. Thanks a lot. A good solid friendship has been spoilt because my dad couldn't leave things be.

In fact, he's still blabbering on about it downstairs right now.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


So after a recent lecture in Living Stream: Contemporary Irish Poetry, my on off dissertation topic has now been solidified. I am not looking at Alice's Adventures in WonderlandWicked, or Phantom of the Opera, I am now planning to study Mr W.B.Yeats unrequited love of Maud Gonne. I have not yet looked at which angle I will taking but to do such a powerful woman related to Irish history, is quite a honour.
The poem No Second Troy will be quite hilarious to look at; poor woman being compared to Helen of Troy. I will be quite excited to look into her life from many points of view and even create my own opinion of her. Now for the question; did she sleep with Yeats? Many say no, however I say yes.

On another note, university life is a bit strange at the moment. I am actually spending less than I did last year which is great, and I seem to be enjoying the modules choices a lot more. Hopefully my grades will reflect it. Time can only tell.