

Monday, 9 January 2012

Bucketlist :)

  1. See the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
  2. Visit Paris
  3. Tour Italy
  4. Get into my PCET course
  5. Pass my driving test
  6. Sleep under the stars
  7. Learn to Ice Skate
  8. Send a message in a bottle
  9. See a Cirque du Soleil show
  10. Learn a foreign language 
  11. See a Broadway Musical
  12. Learn Sign Language
  13. Buy my first car
  14. Complete my dissertation to the standard that I can achieve
  15. Write another chapter for my story
  16. Visit a volcano
  17. Stop cursing like a sailor before I start my placement
  18. Pass my PCET course
  19. Finish off my leg piece 
  20. Live on my own
  21. Earn over £1000 a month
  22. Buy a new car (say goodbye to Philly the Punto)
  23. Get that teaching job I have always wanted
  24. Become a mentor 
  25. See the sun set in a foreign country
  26. Live a year away from my parents.
  27. Visit London

More will appear when I can think of things, and will be crossed out when completed: Pictures  for proof will be posted here:
Bucket-List number 5.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Facts of Life

After reading a blog from a father who lost his little boy to a Rhabdoid tumour, and knowing that I lost my favourite aunty in 2011, it came to my attention that the life I'm living is just as short as the 24 hours in a day. Who cares that the end of the world is near. Who cares that the Mayan Calender ended this year. Who cares that a super-volcano may erupt and cause a nuclear winter, block out the sun and potentially kill of the human race one by one. What I do care is that life needs to be lived for each minute in each hour in each day.
It may seem that every time someone dies that I think life should not be taken or granted, but after some thinking I feel as though I need to act on the things I say I will do. So after I publish this post, I will get to work on my "bucket-list". I am aware that I am not dying but what is to say that I wont die tomorrow, or the next day or the next. No one is ever sure. Life is one thing that us humans cannot predict, and even if we could, I wouldn't want to know. How could you live with yourself knowing what was to happen. Even if you tried to change the way it happened, and managed to succeed. Something equally as drastic would just take its place.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year :)

Well folks its officially 1.1.2012 and let the end off the world nonsense commence. We all know that the rapture and other absurd predictions are going to be happening throught the year. God help us all when December comes about.....lol. cant wait for the panic! Not.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who was sat looking at her laptop figuring how to write her essay, when facebook decided to pop up and distract her. It really wasn't much of a great distraction, but enough for her to reflect on how crap today was.

However she did manage to get back to her previous hobby; shopping. Three pairs of new jeans, jeggings and leggings, and a pretty top later the bus journey home made her wish she could spend some more money. Not long 'til pay-day now she thought.

Then the shopping shall continue till the end of time..... or till the money runs out


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

And I'm feeling blue....

And yellow and pink and red and green....
 I got told today that my December and January pay is to be high. Now I'm doing a sensible thing this time by picking out a car (when I hopefully pass my test), however, I am also planning on getting a tattoo. I know the theme of my tattoo is to be of Alice in Wonderland but I'm not sure of what I'm actually getting though it will include the death of my wonderful aunty Gillian. My arm was my first choice but the surface area is a bit small. And I've finally decided on getting on my calf :) That shall be interesting.

 On another note, I have been dreaming non-stop about this one guy who I know....not mentioning any names... for the past two weeks. He appears in every single dream and its starting to annoy me. Yes dream mind, I have taken a slight interest in him, but you do not need to remind me every bloody night! Jeeez....

Also I have officially done my back in again! Work has actually become a nightmare,my physiotherapist has bruised my back, and my parents think I'm a hypochondriac. I'm sorry but it hurts like a motherf*cker.  Any movement at all now is quite painful, though I can now move my arms without any complaints. Apparently it hurst cause im using muscles I've never used before. Whatever.
Anyway I am off to bed now as I have a very long day ahead of me.
Night night
Sweet Dreams

Just gone mobile

Well it seems like I have finally signed up to everything possible. Even my blog is now an android application on my phone. I suppose that's better cause I can actually type on the go and not wait till I get on the laptop to type as by that time, I have forgotten what I was gonna write.

The only bad thing about using my mobile is I'm not sure how this blog thing works. Hopefully this will save on my phone and not disappear when I exit the application. Oh well. Let's hope for the best.

I really should have done a tester first, but nevermind.

Well off to sleep now, hopefully. Its kinda windy outside so it makes it harder for me to nod off :(