

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who was sat looking at her laptop figuring how to write her essay, when facebook decided to pop up and distract her. It really wasn't much of a great distraction, but enough for her to reflect on how crap today was.

However she did manage to get back to her previous hobby; shopping. Three pairs of new jeans, jeggings and leggings, and a pretty top later the bus journey home made her wish she could spend some more money. Not long 'til pay-day now she thought.

Then the shopping shall continue till the end of time..... or till the money runs out


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

And I'm feeling blue....

And yellow and pink and red and green....
 I got told today that my December and January pay is to be high. Now I'm doing a sensible thing this time by picking out a car (when I hopefully pass my test), however, I am also planning on getting a tattoo. I know the theme of my tattoo is to be of Alice in Wonderland but I'm not sure of what I'm actually getting though it will include the death of my wonderful aunty Gillian. My arm was my first choice but the surface area is a bit small. And I've finally decided on getting on my calf :) That shall be interesting.

 On another note, I have been dreaming non-stop about this one guy who I know....not mentioning any names... for the past two weeks. He appears in every single dream and its starting to annoy me. Yes dream mind, I have taken a slight interest in him, but you do not need to remind me every bloody night! Jeeez....

Also I have officially done my back in again! Work has actually become a nightmare,my physiotherapist has bruised my back, and my parents think I'm a hypochondriac. I'm sorry but it hurts like a motherf*cker.  Any movement at all now is quite painful, though I can now move my arms without any complaints. Apparently it hurst cause im using muscles I've never used before. Whatever.
Anyway I am off to bed now as I have a very long day ahead of me.
Night night
Sweet Dreams

Just gone mobile

Well it seems like I have finally signed up to everything possible. Even my blog is now an android application on my phone. I suppose that's better cause I can actually type on the go and not wait till I get on the laptop to type as by that time, I have forgotten what I was gonna write.

The only bad thing about using my mobile is I'm not sure how this blog thing works. Hopefully this will save on my phone and not disappear when I exit the application. Oh well. Let's hope for the best.

I really should have done a tester first, but nevermind.

Well off to sleep now, hopefully. Its kinda windy outside so it makes it harder for me to nod off :(

Monday, 5 December 2011

Saturday Night.

This year it seems as though I havent spent much time out drinking, though that wa probably due to money issues and a bad liver. However I thought I'd treat myself and join in with the staff xmas night out. And let me tell you this, it was a great night out.

There were a few revelations with people's feelings, though what night out doesnt have those. I met a few nice and happy people, and got pissed of with the staff at The Cooper Rose.  Im a regular there and I get asked for ID. WTF!. Nevermind, if I see the guy today I'm gonna kick some butt.

My boss has lost her camera somewhere and so I have the wonderful privilege of searching for it. Need some luck for that like haha. Im sure I will fail.

Also, I decided to wear my new sparkly heels. Now they were pretty darn comfy for the height of them but let me tell you something: I dont have a fricking clue what happened to me but my legs are killing me.  I don't now whether it was my shoes' fault or my own by pulling muscles in both legs.Im in agony and im confused cause its never happened begore. Most likelies old age getting to me.

On the train this morning I randomly flicked through my camera pics and stumbled across one from the night out. Now, I can remember everything from that night out, but I cannot remember taking that photo. In fact I know I never took it, someone else did. So who the hell did I give my phone too. I don't think I will ever find out. Yet one thing I do know, is that im not a pretty drunk, I'm a mess. Whoop!

Roll on the next night out :)

Friday, 2 December 2011

The Black Death

So apparently this is the attire to avoid getting the plague. Insane right.

There is a reason for the above statement, as it appears that I might have the 'black death'. Not kidding either. Do you remember this nursery rhyme:

Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
"Ashes, Ashes"
We all fall down!
Ring-a-Ring o'Rosies
A Pocket full of Posies
"A-tishoo! A-tishoo!"
We all fall Down!

Well I'm not going to recite the symptoms list, but the above nursery rhyme linked to one symptom being the Skin color changing to a pink hue where rashes appear almost in the shape of roses. If I were to follow that up, I would have the disease. I currently have a few rashes almost in the shape of roses on my arm and stomach....

Yeah, I'm kidding. Turns out its just my eczema taking the same form as the plague, and I just happen to have the flu at the same time.

Sweet. Time to freak people out.