I wish you were real, and not some crazy old weirdo in a suit.
I think back to how I have yet to see the coca-cola advert and I have came to the conclusion that Christmas is avoiding me this year. I think that I shall be receiving a bag of coal. Not good. Yet I think this year I have behaved quite well in comparison to other years. Like my parents went away and I did not throw a party and wreck the house, I also did not go out drinking all the time and get involved in someone's drama, and I definitely did not spend my time being a bitch like I normally do. So how come I feel this way. Perhaps it is the fact that I have now grown out of Christmas. The songs are now too cheesy and disgusting, I seem to spend a fortune on presents and so all the fun has been sucked out of the season. Oh how I wish I was younger and could appreciate Santa and his miraculous task of sending gifts to every one in the world in the same night. Now that is some task.
So Santa if you are reading this, all I want for Christmas is a bit of fun and laughter, with maybe a few pressies like clothing and perfume and maybe some pretty jewellery.
Thank you :)
Merry Christmas haha x