

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Symphony of Love

People talk about love as if it's a bad thing,
That your heart will end up being broke.
They think that love is a bad thing,
Yet they only see one side of love.
They only see the devastating,
Aftermath, the world crumbling.
They only feel the heartbreaking
Wrench in their soul. 
No-one sees love as a good thing,
That your heart will end up whole.
No-one thinks love is a good thing,
They never see the true meaning of love.

Love is like the coming of souls -
The union of life.
Love is like the  heavens above -
An Angel by your side.
The feeling when you get lost
In his eyes; 
Is love.
The feeling that the world has just stopped
Before you;
Is love.
The feeling that everything disappears
Around you;
Is love.
The feeling of butterflies which suddenly appears
Within you;
Is love

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